Ms. Morina Class Supply List
- S.T.A.R.S. approved sleeping bag (My Children Treasure)
- Ticonderoga Beginners Pencil Pack
- 1 Pack twist crayons
- 1 preschool training scissors
- 1 subject notebook (blue)
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 subject notebook (black)
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 1 preschool training scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 yellow poly portfolio folder with prongs
- 1 Pencil Box
- 1 Pack dry erase markers (for student activity use)
- 1 dry erase board 8×10 (for student activity use)
- 1 pack index cards (without lines)
- 1 paper plastic protector sleeves
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- 1 Gallon size Ziploc bags
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Abad Class Supply List
- S.T.A.R.S. approved sleeping bag (My Children Treasure)
- Ticonderoga Beginners Pencil Pack
- 1 Pack twist crayons
- 1 preschool training scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 yellow poly portfolio folder with prongs
- 1 Pencil Box
- 1 red subject notebook
- 1 pack dry erase markers (for student activity use)
- 1 paper plastic protector sleeves
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray Tissue Box
- Play Dough
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Villa Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil pack
- 1 pack Ticonderoga beginners pencil
- 1 pack twistable crayons
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 1 Child safety scissors
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 primary journal
- 1 pack (multi-color) highlighter
- 1 yellow poly portfolio with prongs
- 1 pack number flashcards
- 1 pack index cards (white) with lines
- 1 pencil case
- 1 pack of dry erase markers (for student activity use)
- 1 composition notebook (orange)
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer
- 1 pack of 1 quarter size Ziploc bags
- 1 pack of gallon size Ziploc bags
Ms. Miguel Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil
- 1 pack medium size erasers
- 1 pack twist crayons
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 Elmers glue
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 subject notebook (red)
- 1 subject notebook (blue)
- 1 subject notebook (black)
- 1 Pencil Box
- 1 yellow poly portfolio folder with prong
- 1 pack dry erase markers (for student activity use)
- 1 pack index cards (white) with lines
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Builes Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil
- 1 pack twist crayons
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 1″ binder (blue)
- 1 subject spiral notebook
- 1 pack (multi-color) highlighter
- Child safety scissors
- 1 primary journal
- 1 Pencil Box
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 yellow poly portfolio folder with prong
- 1 pack dry erase markers (for student activity use)
- 1 pack index cards (white) with lines
- 1 pack number Flash Cards
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Dzielak Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil
- 1 pack Mechanical pencil with lead packs
- 1 medium-size eraser
- 1 pack twisted crayons
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 Elmer glue
- 1 subject spiral notebook
- 1 pack (multi-color) highlighter
- 2 pack index cards (white)
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 yellow poly portfolio with prongs
- 1 pencil case (soft/zippered)
- (2) 1 subject notebook (green)
- (2) 1 subject notebook (blue)
- (1) 2 subject notebook (black)
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Gato Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil
- 1 pack Mechanical pencil with lead packs
- 1 medium-size eraser
- 1 pack twisted crayons
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 Elmer glue
- 1 pack (multi-color) highlighter
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 yellow poly portfolio with prongs
- 1 pencil case
- (3) 1 subject notebook (green)
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer
Ms. Rebon Class Supply List
- 1 pack #2 pencil
- 1 pack Mechanical pencil with lead packs
- 1 pack twisted crayons
- 1 medium-size eraser
- 1 pack of Crayola markers
- 4 glue sticks
- 1 Elmer glue
- 1 subject notebook (yellow)
- 1 yellow poly portfolio with prongs
- 1 pencil case
- 1 pack highlighter (multi-color)
- 6 pack wipes
- 100 % Rubbing Alcohol Bottle
- Laminating Sheets
- Lysol Spray
- Tissue Box
- Hand Sanitizer